What is resistance training?
Strong, lean and toned muscles. It’s what pretty much every athlete aspires to achieve, whether they are professional or amateur, which is why resistance training should play a key part to any workout regime. Resistance training, also known as strength training, helps to increase the strength of muscles and improves bone strength and metabolism. It’s a series of exercises that use resistance to induce muscular contraction, which in turn, builds strength and increases power.
What are the benefits of resistance training?
There are several benefits of resistance training. When it is done properly and regularly, it not only increases muscle strength but also improves joint function, bone density, tendon and ligament strength and aerobic exercise. Resistance training can also help burn more calories and improve cardiac function, making it an effective way to lose and maintain weight. When incorporated into your workout regime around twice a week, you will be able to physically see the benefits of resistance training within just a few weeks, as your muscles will become more noticeably toned – quickly.
Resistance training in practice
A resistance workout is made up of various different strength exercises and can be done at home, outside or in the gym using training equipment such as resistance bands, chutes and sleds. Adding these to your resistance workout will help you improve strength, acceleration, stamina and recovery.
Here are our top three resistance training exercises:
Weighted Speed Sled Sprinting
Using a speed sled when running creates resistance and helps to improve acceleration, stamina and leg drive. You simply add a weight to the sled to create resistance, attach the harness and sprint in a straight line. This exercise maximizes stride efficiency and delivers explosive lower-body strength. You can increase the resistance by increasing the weight. This is a great workout as it can be used on numerous surfaces including grass, astro turf and indoor floors (with a towel underneath for protection.)
Lunges with Leg Speed Tube
Build up your core strength and lower-body strength with lunges, using a leg speed tube to add resistance. Attach the band around your ankle and get a partner to hold the other side taut, just above the ground. Step forward into the lunge position, pulling against the resistance of the leg tube. Repeat this exercise 12 times on each leg for increased power and speed. Leg Speed Tubes can also be used to aid rehabilitation of hamstrings and adductors.
Resisted Sprinting
Sprinting with resistance is an excellent overall workout and helps improve speed, stamina, strength and acceleration. Simply attach a resistance chute and sprint as fast as you can against the resistance. The chute will help to strengthen quads, glutes, calves and hamstrings.
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